
Computer Lab

Drinking Water

School Transport

Sports & Games
Welcome to LBS Education College Baloda Dist janjgir champa
Introduction about college
Lal Bahadur Shastri College of Education launched and observed under Bhagirathi Shiksha and Seva Samiti is an emerging institute located Baloda District Janjgir - Champa which symbolizes a small town in a rural area. The Institution is an only college in the town. The aim of the Samiti in establishing the institute was to provide quality education which holds the knowledge of information to justify and stand the visionary of successful professional as well as psychological growth development and maturity of one and individuals. Education is the knowledge which is indispensible for all right action and is the source of all the powers to enhance humanity and all round development of a child and adults. The entrepreneur of the samiti and Institution Shri Rajesh Kumar Mishra is a person with many talents. He is the soul of the whole prophecy guiding the path with his knowledge and impoverishment his dedication and devotion towards the community and society to empower knowledge and education was the reason behind this foundation as an educational hub for serving the people of Baloda. Janjgir - Champa is a small developing district of Chhattisgarh state, the district was established on 25 May 1998 it is known as the heart of Chhattishgarh. The location of the institute - Baloda is one of the 10 vibrant tehsils of Janjgir - Champa, it’s one of the fastest growing district of the state
Vision & Mission
The Vision :- The vision of our institution aims at educating the youth of rural and tribal areas “Nobody should be deprived from higher education and to develop overall personality of the students in rural and tribal areas “. As an education institution this vision would be our contribution to the country Mission:- To inculcate value which will make our students academically sound and socially conscious and also to have manpower this will be ever ready to meet National and global challenges.
Goals -
Goals :- 1. To get all the benefits of quality education at affordable cost to the students of rural and tribal area. 2. To develop overall personality of the students by giving ample exposure in sports, cultural and N.S.S. activities. 3. To install human values among students with a view to empowering them to play a significant role in Nation building. 4. The faculty members regularly update their knowledge and skills attending / organizing / seminars / conference and refresher courses etc. 5. Various academics, co-curricular and extracurricular activities are organized for the intellectual physical, emotional and cultural development of students. 6. Extensive activities are carried out through N.S.S. units of the college for the social upliftment of the people and place individually. 7. To enhance better studies and teaching the regular teaching learning process is enriched through interactive sessions, projects and case studies. 8. The students in our college mostly belong to reserved and lower income group therefore institute ensures that equal opportunity made available and implement to them with regards to the reservation policy of Government. 9. Financial assistance in the form of scholarship, payment of fees in installments and books are provided to the students as support to their studies. 10. The academic schedule of the college is connected along with the institution goals and their objectives.