Every student should carry the school Almanac to the school daily.
Students should come the school neatly dressed in proper school uniform. The school uniform is to be worn on all working days.
Non-sikh boys should get their hair cut done at regular intervals and Sikh boys should use black turbon only.
Students must take care of the school property and no student should scratch on spoil the desks or chairs on damage any furniture, write or draw anything on the walls or damage the belongings of others.
students are forbidden to practice any borrowing or lending.
The school reserves the right to suspend/ expel students whose conduct is harmful to other students or the school.
Parents and guardians are not permitted to visit the class rooms or visit their wards or take them away during school hours without the written permission of the Principal. In case you wish an early exite of your child on any school working day:
Only the parent should come to fetch the child.
Seek permission from the school principal with a gate pass.
In case the parent is unable to come make sure to sent an authorized person bearing parent signed authority letter. (The signature on the authority letter should be verifiable with your signature on page on. 5 of the student almanac )
The School discourages the private tuitions for the pupils and especially from the school teachers. In case it is absolutely essential, please contact the Principal.
The Parents need to be punctual and are expected to follow the PTM’s timing i.e. 8.30 am to 11.30 am. Parents are requested to keep their mobiles switched off during the meeting.
Students are not allowed to carry mobile phones, digital watches and any other electronic devices in the school in regular days or during the school function (not even by mistake). Violation of this policy may result in confiscation of cell phones or gadgets which will be non refundable i.e. gadget will not be returned.
Students are advised to make use of dustbins provided for throwing waste etc. They are expected to keep the campus neat and clean.
All books and note-books must be properly covered with brown paper and need to be kept neat tidy till the end of the session.
Students are not permitted to leave the school premises during school hours for whatever reasons. where there are exceptional circumstances, permission must be obtained from the Principal.
Sending money without any reason should be discouraged.
As regular attendance is very important for successful work on leave is granted except for serious reasons. All students are expected to attend school on the reopening day after each vaction. Students who are absent will fined Rs. 25/- for each day and Rs. 50/- if absent during National festivals like 15th Aug. & 26th Jan.
For violating school discipline rules, students will be penalized by one or more minor disciplinary measures, persistent misconduct will lead to major action.
A student will be issued an orange card for missing classes, constantly interrupting the teaching process and indulging in rude and unacceptable behaviour in class and school premises. The student will report to the class teacher for detention during break. Issue of two orange cards will lead to immediate suspension.
If pupills are late for the school they will be given three warning notices after which they will be given a pink card and will also be charged a fine of Rs. 5/- After getting 3 pink late cards, if the student continues to be late he/she will be sent back.
Laboratory Breakages : In case of deliberate laboratory breakage the students will have to pay the cost of the equipment damaged along with a penalty of 10%
General Damage : For all damages to the furniture and fixtures, the students will have to pay the actual cost of the article damaged along with 50% Penalty in addition to other punishment depending upon the gravity of the matter.
Trinket, Jewellery, Henna or Tattoos
Objectionable literature or expensive items.
Cell phones, ipods, CD, DVD, e-games, pen drives, cameras, music players, obscene materials etc.
Crackers, fireworks, fire arms and any other inflammable material.
Gift of any kind for distribution in school even for birthdays.
Toys, any dangerous instrument, tobocco products, alcoholic drinks, chewing gum, banned food items.
Parents are earnestly requested to note the following recommendation for re-inforcing the values of discipline, punctuality and progress among the students :
To send your children neat and clean with proper hair cut.
To send your children to school in time as late coming is a breach or rule.
To check regularity and discipline at home and see to it that your children prepare lessons and do the assigned homework.
Not to enter class room either to meet your ward or teacher during school hour. Any communications should be made to the Principal before or after the class.
To avoid criticizing the teachers and the institutions in front of your children, as this will have a bad impression in the minds of children and loose their respect for their teachers. If there any problem it should be solved with the school authority.
Giving presents to staff in their honour is not allowed.
To check the student’s diary everyday as it carries important information pertaining to your ward and other activities.
School will not be responsible for any loss and damage of ward’s books and other belonging materials.
Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress and working together is success. Our desire is that your child will leave from the school not just as a passionate thinker but become a thinker with passin.Parent should ensure 100% attendance in all parent teacher meeting in the best interest of your child. Please do co-operate with the school in ensuring an effective education for you children. This can be done by:
Providing facilities of studies at home.
Providing text book, note book and other requirements of your ward.
Assisting and guiding in doing home-work.
Become an ideal n’value laden ROLE MODEL for your ward.
Assisting fees as per rules and providing proper school uniforms.
Parents can withdraw their ward only at the end of the Academic year. TWO months notice should be given prior to the commencement of the next Academic year, failing which the entire year’s fees have to be paid. If a child is withdrawn any time after admission, the entire year’s fess will have to be paid. At least 12 days’ prior notice is to be given to the school for withdrawal of a child during the academic year. The Transfer Certificate / School Leaving Certificate will be issued only after receipt of an application from the PARENT in the prescribed withdrawal application form and after clearing all school dues. The Transfer Certificate / School Leaving Certificate will be issued 7 days after submission of the completed withdrawal application form.